NMP Photo Gallery

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Members: We really need everyone to submit photographs! Bring them to any meeting or function, or email them to the webmaster. Please include descriptions, dates, and other information. Print photos will be returned. Thanks!

Norco Mounted Posse 2007

Come Join Us

Large Animal Rescue Training

Norco Mounted Posse Rodeo

Security at Nellie Weaver Hall

Stock Contractor Dimond G Rodeo

2007 Rodeo

Mojave trail Ride Camp 2006

Resting after a long days ride on the Mojave Trail Ride

Relaxing at Bud Smith's Ranch

Lunch Break and rest time on ths second day on the Mojave trail.

Mojave's frist day out for a relaxing ride 2006

Riding through the old mining camp area where you can see an old cabin, and some old truck bodys and peices.